Praxis Leadership Insights
A study to determine a preferred pastoral leadership style in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey
This study examined perceptions of differing leadership styles in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey to determine if a preferred pastoral leadership style exists. One hundred and thirteen randomly selected participants were administered the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey (VLS), which assesses nine leadership styles and hybrid combinations of leadership styles. Data analysis revealed there were statistical differences among the leadership style groups (F [8, 1008] = 62.96, p < .01). Transformational (M = 4.47), Democratic-Transformational (M = 4.24), and Democratic (M = 4.09) leadership style groups had the highest means in the results of the independent samples t-tests. There were no significant differences noted between the clergy, ministry leaders, and other laypersons’, non-clergy members of the Church, perceptions of leadership style groups.
Project Management Voices
Voices on Project Management offers insights, tips, advice and personal stories from project managers in different regions and industries. The goal is to get you thinking, and spark a discussion. So, if you read something that you agree with--or even disagree with--leave a comment.
Collection of work prepared by Peter Tarhanids for the Project Management Institute and Voice blog